Tuesday, February 19, 2013

CCDD 021913—Vine Maiden

Cool Card Design of the Day
2/19/2013 - Vine Maiden was inspired while reading Mark Rosewater's Designing for Simic. It's not a Simic card mind you, but it is blue-green. It's entirely possible she needs to cost 5 or even 6 (or just be rare).


  1. I think I like it better if it has to return another creature, not itself. As-is it's way too easy to just start a draw engine going. Forcing you to return a different creature makes you work a little harder but it's still a cool card with other ETB effects.

    1. Agreed. And then you think, "Ah, but if I had two of these..."

  2. Whispers of the Muse with a 3/3 body for 2 fewer mana? Plus it's a creature, so it works with Mimic Vat, Birthing Pod, Heartless Summoning, etc? Yes, please.

    This is an interesting card in that it's probably too good but it's also unlikely to be a 4-of in any deck.

    1. You can change the "probably" with "OBVIOUSLY".
      My premier Commander deck is Maelstrom Wanderer-ETB Abusing, and in there it would be uber-broken.

      This should probably have "another" clause, in addition to costing more and/or being smaller. And I would absolutely run it in my deck nonetheless.

      That said, it's a pretty fun card, and an interesting one.
