Theros & Born of the Gods Challenge—Review
Today I review the mythic rare submissions for cards that might have been in Theros or Born of the Gods. Remember, I'm primarily focused on whether the card is a good addition to the block and how realistic the card is in terms of being printed in an actual Magic set.
Brimaz is certainly at exciting card, and I like how vigilance means you don't have to choose between making cats on offense or defense (even if that takes some of the fun of finding a way to give him vigilance or double strike or multiple attacks away from the player).
Obviously the card is dangerously undercosted (I'd cost this at {3}{W}{W} or
maybe {1}{W}{W}{W} if we really want to push it), but that's a Dev issue. My biggest concern: I'm not sure the novelty of getting its tokens into combat immediately is worth breaking four lines of text up into seven. "Whenever CARDNAME attacks or blocks, put a 1/1 white Cat Soldier token OTB" is 90% functionally identical 90% of the time. Giving the tokens vigilance seems unnecessary, but if you were married to that, why not just give Brimaz "Cat creatures you control have vigilance"?