Wednesday, July 29, 2015

CCDD 072915—Parliament of Swords

Cool Card Design of the Day
7/29/2015 - This is one of the cards I designed while reading MaRo's latest article about white in the color pie. I think it speaks for itself?


  1. Very interesting. I like the flavor a lot, and the drawback tells a strong story while also playing well, I think.

  2. I like the design. My only concern is that the downside makes this a Spike card, and I don't think Spikes love anthems do they?

  3. I'm not a fan of this card, less so because it's an anthem and more so because unlike Honor of the Pure, it's not a viable turn 2 play unless you pack your deck with a ton of 1-drops (probably including nonwhite ones). Anthem + Goblin tokens is a legit strategy in Standard, for example.

    1. As a player I'm not a fan of the card becuase it takes what is the biggest weakness of hte deck it wants to go in (wraths) and amplifies it.

      Whether that extends to be a design weakness or not depends on what kinds of bad cards you like.

    2. Maybe instead of playing it on turn two, you play two of them and turn four after dropping 3 creatures. It clearly has a significant drawback, and I agree the spot on the curve is awkward with that drawback, but just because it doesn't work like Honor of the Pure doesn't mean it serves no role.

  4. I like this card a lot. Its definitly aimed far more at casual constructed or a limited format which I'm a big fan of. This is because sweeper are nearly non-existent in those formats and new players love anthem effects.

    While LSPs will eventually learn this has weaknesses I think the enjoyment it provides is well worth it.

  5. I'm a big fan of this idea-- seems fun and flavorful. Tommy and the others are right that it has a 'lose-more' aspect to it, and playing it on turn 2 is begging to get 2-for-1ed even if you had a turn-1 creature, but I bet there's a way to print it that would mitigate that aspect of the gameplay. Maybe check for the drawback at the end of your turn only?
