[Editor's Note: Today we're excited to welcome Inanimate to the Goblin Artisans team! We've appreciated his insightful observations in the discussions on the site and look forward to seeing more as he takes the reigns as Lead Designer for
I'm honored to serve as Lead Designer of Tesla after Jules, and I wish him well in
his new position! I hope to continue Jules' work on Tesla with the same passion and dedication.
Lately, Tesla has been exploring two themes: anticipation and progress. As we have designed cards to capture these two themes, it's become clear that there are many forms the future takes: different kinds of anticipation and progress, each a different experience... and it has been noted that perhaps Tesla would be best if it focused on a few kinds, rather than using them all. The big questions, then, are these two:
what kinds of anticipation and progress are there? And
which kinds do we want to focus on in Tesla?