It occurs to me that new readers of the site will be seeing this project from the most recent post backward without context, so I wanted to offer a quick explanation and a link to the index of all posts for the series. Back in August I announced the start of a collaborative set design project. It would be a core set because it seemed like hubris for an amateur designer to start by making an expert-level expansion set. Ironically, with the perspective and experience of having worked on the set for half a year, I'm no longer convinced a core set is actually easier to design. While the level of expectation is lower, there are more requirements and more specific expectations to fulfill. Maybe when we get around to collaborating on an expert set, I'll see different.
Anyhow, we did some analysis of existing sets, made some goals, talked a lot about what mechanic to bring back (that's a new thing in the recent M1X core sets) and have discussed such varied other topics since as cycles, top-down design, planeswalkers, the nature of removal, and the site's most active discussion ever, dragons.
To see everything written about M13 on the site, check out the M13 Index. Go ahead and bookmark it if you want to stay updated or just visit the site occasionally for updates. If you're interested in helping out, your comments are welcome. If you'd like to get on the design team and get your hands dirty in MSE, just let us know.
Red Mythic Dragon

The question is, in what form shall we print him? Metaghost's suggestion to make the damage effect trigger off of your opponent's draw is more in keeping with red cards that punish your opponent's hand, but feels less like dangerous wisdom. I made him 10/7 to match 2/3 of the numbers in his 7RRR mana cost and to ensure that this dragon is bigger than most dragons, which I think is critical to the concept. This massive dragon should appeal very well to Timmy, who is more concerned with awesome things than their cost, and it's not unheard of for Spike to run 10 mana creatures through dedicated mana acceleration, reanimation or Polymorph strategies. But that doesn't mean we can't improve his numbers. The number 7 is useful since that's the hand-size number. We could make him 7/7 for 4RRR, though I fear that's too good. Three people suggested dropping trample. It made sense to me, but it's true that he doesn't need it. Finally, we'll need a Magic name, since "Ancient Red Dragon" is a D&D thing. Ancient Wyrm? Dragon Elder? Primeval Hellkite?
What do you think?

The recap needs a link to all the cards in the file so far.
ReplyDeleteThe file is constantly evolving as the design team discusses the merits of various cards and tweaks, so it's hard to maintain a spoiler in any form other than the MSE file we use.
DeleteAs for ARD, Niv-Mizzet is certainly popular pedigree, but I think I prefer triggering off of opponent's draws both to differentiate the dragons, and to come more in line with Molten Psyche/Runeflare Trap/etc. It's not like Underworld Dreams is unpopular either, people have rated it about 4.3/5 stars on Gatherer for every printing despite it being too weak for Standard for quite a while.
Diamond Dragon was my favorite too. I never posted on the voting thread, because there was too much going on and I just figured it would get lost in the shuffle. In retrospect I wish I had just to add support for it.
ReplyDeleteIf I were to take a pass at Ancient Red Dragon, here’s what I’d do:
Shivan Primus 7RR
Creature - Dragon 7/7
Flying, trample
When Shivan Primus leave the battlefield, discard your hand and draw seven cards.
ETB effects are the new vogue because they insure some cardquality in the event of bounce or removal. But Timmy doesn’t want to just cast his Dragon, he wants to swing with it successfully. So I don’t think we should hang a sign around our Dragon’s neck, that says, “kill me as soon as possible!” That’s what an ETB trigger does. But a leaves play trigger stops that and still gives Timmy an all-upside feeling creature.
Strategically, I also like how playing against this gives you some wiggle room. You can sort of mitigate when you kill it to try and get the most out of it’s Wheel of Fortune.
Finally, a leaves play trigger keeps it from needing the reanimator-proof wording of “If you cast it from your hand.”
Wow, major typos. The trigger should say "When Shivan Primus leaves the battlefield, each player discards his or her hand and draws seven cards." Maybe my slip is okay, but it wasn't what I originally intended.
DeleteYou make a good point. The ETB trigger doesn't make people want to kill it any sooner than the body itself (or the draw-step trigger), but it also gives them no reason not to kill it. A LTB trigger, like the Kamigawa Dragons (but w/o the legendary self-kill mechanism) makes for a particularly devillish conundrum for your opponent that only makes it more likely you'll get to keep your dragon longer.
DeleteI don't think Wheel of Fortune is a good LTB trigger, since killing your dragon is in your opponent's hands (you might sack your own thrull, but not your giant dragon) and so they'll be able to optimize its use.
Maybe "When ~ LTB, it deals 7 damage to any number of creatures and players"? I dunno. This seems like the seed of a great idea, but I'm not sure we have time to grow it.
At 10cc, he's basically unplayable in Core limited. I like it when I open mythics I can put right into my deck. I like the 4RRR mana cost; the card already has a bunch of 7s, and 7cc is about the largest critter you can usually play in limited. I also like cutting trample; he could probably also deal damage just to players.
ReplyDeleteShivan Progenitor 4RRR
ReplyDelete7/7 Dragon
When ~ ETB, Wheel of Fortune.
Whenever an opponent draws a card, ~ deals 1 damage to him or her.
Other titles that could maybe work: Ancestor, Original, Matriarch, Veteran, Elder, Forebear.
Is the desire to name it "Shivan [insert here]"?
DeleteSeems like it might tell a better story if it references Niv-Mizzet. Like "Firemind Mentor" (though not actually that).
I rather like the idea of using Firemind in the name. Firemind Mentor, Venerable Firedmind, Ancient Firemind are all good. If we do that route, I'd switch back to the original triggered ability.
DeleteI'm a fan of 7RRR 10/7; it plays a big part in making him different from every-other-dragon. I also don't want to make a less awesome card because of Limited concerns, mostly because it just won't come up? If you do get this in Limited, there's nothing necessarily (save practicality) stopping you from trying to go for it, but I just wouldn't worry about that.
ReplyDeleteI hadn't realized we couldn't transpose the name. It's a shame "Dragon Elder" wouldn't work unless we made it an Elder Dragon, and it's not legendary, so... Venerable Firemind?
What about just "Noble Dragon"?
It won't come up often, but it will come up. And it's pretty lame to open a pack and have to say, "Ooh, I got a mythic. Too bad it's unplayable. Guess I pass it left and keep this Doom Blade."
DeleteAnd yeah, Wizards tries to keep its brands distinct for business reasons (like on the odd chance they decide to sell Dungeons and Dragons or something).
Oh, I see. That does help explain why they haven't done more crossover product/promotion in the past.
DeleteAs for Limited, is it worth looking at how it would feel to open Demon of Death's Gate/Stormtide Leviathan in most decks/drafts?
At 7RRR 10/7, it deals 18 damage with the draw triggers and first swing. Even though the effect has the potential to appeal to multiple player types, at that cost and size it becomes a really one-dimensional card.
ReplyDeleteThe Wheel of Fortune ability makes me want to dump may hand in advance because I know about it but my opponent doesn't. But when it's so big I can't really enjoy the long-term benefits of replenishing my hand. Also, the ability to ping for every draw doesn't matter so much if I'm going to win with the first attack.
It should be a smaller size at a smaller cost (relatively speaking) so it can replenish the hand at around the turn you start to run out of things to do.
What if I go Faithless Looting, faithless looting, get my Unburial Rites countered on the way in, and then flash it back to get ARG into play? What if I decide to sweep my opponent's Huntmaster and token off the board with the Wheel, netting a single damage to the opponent on the ETB? And then I get Tribute to Hunger'd?
DeleteSure, sometimes you'll plop him onto the board, deal seven, deal one, deal ten, and have them dead to their painlands. But having the body and the ability both is what makes him solid in my eyes. He seems somewhere between Kozilek (but reanimatable) and, say, Jin-Gitaxias (only trading your opponents' hand for his or her board presence).
The Wheel of Fortune ability, the ping ability, and the body itself can all be relevant in different games, or even in the same game in different ways. Wheel of Fortune/Timetwister effects may be more demolishing when your opponent doesn't see them coming, but that's not an aspect we need to push. Decks and gameplay can take that into mind without contorting the dragon.
I agree with Chah.
DeleteAt 10 mana, you're never going to just plop him on the table.
And if you do cheat him in early (let's say you're playing Frites/reanimator), its ETB ability is still salient. Not to mention he helps set up a second reanimation.
I'm a pretty big fan of how he offsets the cost of using Seething Song effects to pump him out early by refilling your artificially small hand.
DeleteI like the interaction with mana rituals too, but does is need to be a 10/7 to be good in that way?
DeleteRepeat pinging with every draw, and hand-refilling with wheel of fortune, are both good for the long game, and when it's on a creature that's exuding the aura of ending the game very quickly, it feels like its only there as a roundabout way of saying deal 7(8) distributed damage as a forced combo.
The Wheel of Fortune ability does matter in case it dies, but the "ping with each draw" exists almost solely for the self-combo, except for some corner cases where the opponent plays Dungeon Geists on it or something.
Both the Wheel of Fortune ability and the Pinging ability are open-ended and could have cool interaction with other spells, but here it's only good for a deck that cheats out large creatures.
Also, thinking about it from the other direction, if you have a 10/x evasion creature, what abilities would you give it? Having 10 power with flying and trample is already something special in that it kills the opponent in two hits. Why put an ability on it that deals more damage before its first swing?
you are going to want to have some way of "cheating" him on to the board in standard with cards that people would play. The cards would need to flow with a good deck or this dragon will not see much play in standard.
ReplyDeleteyou could keep with the same idea but something like this
flying trample
when~enters the battlefield each player discards his hand and draws X cards
when ever you draw a card ~ deals 1 damage to target creature of player.
this could see far more play but would it break red to much? i do want to see a dragon that is used in standard but not over used.
I do like this. To me the 7/10 cost feels correctly majestic: good on attack, but almost invulnerable.
ReplyDeleteIt feels superfluous that you get 7/10 flying trample _and_ 7 distributed damage _and_ 7 cards, but for this cost, that feels about right :) I can definitely see the argument for making it cost less and reducing some of those benefits, but I feel a 6 or 7 mana version wouldn't feel as special.
The one thing that still bothers me is that it feels a bit contrived that the damage is tied to card draw, and that the discard-and-draw is for each player but the damage isn't. I like the idea, and it's a nice incentive to play with red looting, but it feels superfluous: if you've just drawn 7 cards, already dealt 7 damage, and about to deal 7 more, it's a lot simpler to hope you drew some burn rather than play more card-draw.
But you're right that he works well with seething song effects (and looting/card-draw goes well in an acceleration deck to _find_ your bomb), so I'd like to make it work if we can...
Jack V
How about lowering the mana cost, but making it all-colored as the "expensive" part? This makes for a flavorful dragon that is so red it's RRRRRRRED!
ReplyDeleteFiremind Alpha
Creature - Dragon
When Firemind Alpha enters the battlefield, discard your hand, then draw seven cards.
Discard a card at random: Firemind Alpha deals one damage to target creature or player.
I like it better being sevens all the way. Pronouncing that mana cost even sounds like a dragon if you do it right ;) It might not play well with Terrain, but I reckon a good dragon is born to live in a mono red deck.
The one-sided draw might be a bit much, but a dragon needs to be an all-upside mythic, and since it costs (significantly) more, why not be better than a titan? I hate tapping out for a dragon... then my opponent casts a Doom Blade. Giving him or her a free hand refill makes finding that removal far more likely.
The discard ability mitigates the "shields down" moment that you get when you don't use haste. It brings out the "combos with itself" Timmy-ness. It's the firemind version of firebreathing.
You might not always need to attack with Firemind Alpha to win the game, but you still did something that feels like you have a dragon on your side.
On the seven vs. ten note, I'd like to point out that both Furyborn Hellkite and Ancient Hellkite were seven mana coreset dragons, and the, what, fourteen seven mana red dragons that precede? At ten-mana, it wouldn't be de facto unique, but would be sharing the space solely with Dragon Tyrant.
ReplyDeleteThis isn't a deciding factor either way, but I *do* think an effort to stand apart from the disappointment and/or ire of Furyborn Hellkite and Balefire Dragon might be worth something.
ReplyDeleteBogardan Ancient 7RR
7/7 Dragon
When ~ ETB, it deals damage to each player equal to the number of cards in his or her hand. Then Wheel of Fortune.
"to each opponent"? I see very little benefit in making this look less appealing and randomly ping you for 2ish. Worth it to affect the same set of players with both parts of the ability?
DeleteMuch less interesting, to me. It's probably a great version of "Bogardan Hellkite meets Dragon Mage", but misses out on the majority of flavor and play that ARD has. Its inability to hit creatures means you're really hoping for a full-on seven, but that's both unlikely and not really a great reward once you've gotten there.
DeleteWe're printing this card right after Rites, and right before the majority of the Rites-friendly monsters go away.
You describe the ping-every-turn as "timid", but I would say it's a decently fun ability that has a flavorful root and a history of being very loved by players. What's more (to me), there's something fun in two abilities synergizing that's lost when you replace it with one single ability, especially with one that just seems worse (or less worthwhile, at least).
Rites... of Flourishing? I'm not sure what your point is.
DeleteTo be clear, I love the original version of ARD. I'm trying to find something that its detractors will like, but it appears I've lost its supporters in dong so.
I have to admit I've found the task of gauging excitement for a given card difficult since so many commenters either boo everything or only express their feelings (positive or negative) after a cut or change is made. That's just the nature of a blog and I don't blame anyone, but evaluating that is a skill I'm still developing.
Ultimately, there's no card that everyone's going to agree is best. And if you believe MaRo and zdch, we're happy to find a design that some players hate, if others love it just as much.
Unburial Rites, sorry. I suppose I should be clear that in my opinion, if we want to make a mythic dragon playable in standard (but not brokenly destroying the format, obviously), making it something Reanimatable is a *good* thing. Elesh Norn and Inferno Titan will both be rotating out of standard, and ARD as it stands is a good replacement that doesn't necessarily lock down the game but can get you there and, in the meantime, plays pretty good Magic.
DeleteWhat's with all this card-drawing business? Doesn't seem very Dragon-y to me. These are fine mythic designs but they don't seem appropriate to me for a Core Set dragon. If this were an expert set I'd like them a lot more.
ReplyDeleteI would pick this for an expert set over a core set too, but there was vastly more support for this than Diamond Dragon or any of the other designs that screamed core set.
DeleteAre the people determining that a good representation of the Core Set's target audience, though? An important part of the Core Set's job is to be a gateway for new players, and that's a demographic that isn't going to be looking at a Magic design blog. It's more important that a mythic Dragon, a powerful and highly identifiable fantasy trope, be something resonant with everyone's conception of "Dragon" than being popular with people who are already playing the game. It's obviously best if both groups can get equally excited about the card, but it's better to err on the side of flavorful-but-bad-in-competitive-constructed in my opinion. This design may get established players excited but it does a much poorer job of getting something who's on the fence about Magic hooked in. Ancient Hellkite is something they can immediately understand, this card is not.
DeleteFair point. Bear in mind that this isn't the only Dragon in the set, though; this is the /mythic/ dragon. Ancient Hellkite is good for new players (though not as good as Shivan Dragon) but it's definitely no mythic.
DeleteAh, I didn't realize there were multiple Dragons in the set. As long as the other one can crank up the flavor to max, then I feel much less bad about this one.
DeleteI'd wonder if the mythic one should be the more resonant one, and the rare should be more tournament-worthy?
I really dislike Bogardan Ancient. I hate the potential major drawback; it kills the card for most constructed applications. If the Artisan's M13 were seeing print, this card would exist in a format where the easiest way to cheat it in will be with Unburial Rites. When you're playing reanimator, you will very likely have a handful of cards when you unbury, which means you would never play the Ancient in your deck. And unless I missed something, R&D has been feeling down on mana rituals in the last few years. So dumping your hand to ritual out Bogardan Ancient doesn't seem relevant.
ReplyDeleteI don't really understand the objections to the "ETB, Wheel/Niv-Mizzet" abilities.
And I want to reiterate that mythics that are unplayable in their limited environments are lame. 9 mana is still outside the realm of core playability.
I thought Shivan Progenitor was the best version so far here. The only tweak is that I'd make it trigger off your draw, and deal damage to each opponent (instead of dealing damage when the opponent draws).
Shivan Progenitor 4RRR
creature - dragon
When ~ ETB, Wheel of Fortune.
Whenever you draw a card, ~ deals 1 to each opponent.
This is a card I would be happy to open in Limited, run in Standard in Frites, and it'd definitely go in my Kaervek EDH deck. It's also a very fair card. Yes, it might burn someone out when it enters play, but so could Fireball. It could swing for the win, but it'll also have given the other play a fair chance to respond.
I agree wholeheartedly with most of what you're saying. I have to wonder, though: is there any ways to get it to ping creatures as well? That would be a little frisky at CMC=7, which is really largely why I've been satisfied with a bigger dragon.
DeleteThe other problem that comes up there isn't "having a very good dragon at seven mana" (which I think we could definitely live with) but effectively eliminating most of the recent lamer 7-mana dragons from casual contention. The effect would be much more diminished than the one Baneslayer Angel had on your likelihood of playing any other angel, but it might be something to consider? That may be overdesigning, though. Possibly this?
Venerable Firemind 7R
When ~ ETB, Wheel of Fortune.
Whenever you draw a card, ~ deals 1 damage to target creature or player.
Chah suggested a couple cards that further the discussion:
ReplyDeleteFlame Vortex Dragon 4RRR
10/7 Dragon
Flying, trample
When Flame Vortex Dragon enters the battlefield, each player discards his or her hand and draws 7 cards.
That's the original ARD (for 3 less) minus the draw=damage ability. It's a different effect, but I think it still stands on its own. Like the original, I think its better w/o trample.
Firemind Mentor 3RR
4/4 Dragon Wizard
Whenever you draw a card, Firemind Mentor deals 1 damage to target creature or player.
At the beginning of your upkeep, each player discards his or her hand and draws that many cards.
This second design trades brawn for brains and arguably creates a more holistic design. We're not stapling an awesome effect to an awesome body or vice-versa, we're creating a smaller but cleverer dragon. Now that's not at all what we want for a core set, but I like the card very much. This makes me wonder if we don't want to save these abilities for this Firemind Mentor from some future expert set.
Which would, of course, open this discussion/selection process back up again. Sigh.
"Is there any ways to get it to ping creatures as well? That would be a little frisky at CMC=7"
ReplyDeleteYeah, it'd probably be too good. Even if you put it up to 8 mana, it still starts to outclass Bogardan Hellkite (you effectively get 7 divisible damage instead of 5).
As far as eliminating the recent 7-mana dragons from casual contention, I see that as an asset, not a liability. Wizards has been on a bad streak of dragon design in the last couple years, and I would really like to see something strictly better.
A big part of the reason I like the Shivan Progenitor build is the prospect to just Fireball someone out of the game. With Flame Vortex Dragon, you're giving most of the advantage to your opponent (ie, you tap low to play it, they get 7 fresh cards, untap, O-Ring/Doom Blade your dragon, and then you're pretty much back where you started).
Firemind Mentor seems absurdly powerful. Definitely more powerful than Niv-Mizzet in most applications (except EDH, where you have silly combos available). Firemind Mentor is probably printable at 3RU, but I think you're right that it doesn't belong in a Core set.
That doesn't make Shivan Progenitor and Firemind Mentor mutually exclusive though. I'd just say that Shivan Progeintor should go in the M13 file, and Firemind Mentor can live on your desk until it finds a home.
Maybe we can justify the 7 (or 8) mana cost by assuming that your opponent really will draw an immediate answer to the him? While Wheel of Fortune is obviously a fun, big effect that you can put to good use, it *is* justifiably a drawback that could keep the cost down. This, (and the lack of flash) also help it not be strictly-better than Bogardan Hellkite.
ReplyDeleteThe damage-to-creatures means that you might take out a lot of the other guy's board. So even if the dragon resets everyone even on cards in hand, it might still generate a big advantage by taking out 2-3 opposing creatures.
DeleteAssuming, for example, your opponent has a Huntmaster in play; and you kill the Huntmaster and the wolf token and do the rest to the player, you've offset one card from your opponent, plus one damage. If they went Lingering Souls plus flashback, you get to offset one card again plus an additional two damage, as long as they have no sort of anthem or pump effect.
DeleteIt's true that if your opponent has Phantasmal Images that don't currently have Undying or a number of Delvers on the board, you can make a profit, but creatures these days *are* pretty good, and you may find yourself spending five damage to take out both sides of a Geralf's Messenger while adding Gravecrawlers to your opponents' graveyard. You can kill a Grave Titan or both tokens, but not both.
There's also the case of doom-blading ARD with the Wheel of the Fortune on the stack, which stops him from FTKing at all. You still get something out of the deal, which helps keep him playable, but (unless I'm mistaken on the timing) the opportunity is there.
I don't believe the "Wheel of Fortune" effect belongs on a Dragon from a flavor perspective. This seems to go more on a Sphinx. It is also too powerful to cost aggressively. I also want this dragon to be both Limited, Standard, and possibly Modern playable as the last 10 Mythic Dragons have been unplayable.
DeleteFor an effect I think wildfire or land destruction would be very flavorful.
Art- Same for all cards. A Dragon sweeping down on a small village burning everything to the ground.
Earth Scorcher Dragon
When NAME is cast, destroy all lands.
R: Name gets +1+0 until EOT
Wild Fire Dragon
When NAME is cast each player sacrifices 4 lands and NAME deals 4 damage to each creature without flying.
R: +1/+0 until EOT
The numbers would have to be tweaked(Maybe destroy 3 target lands?), but I think this is both more flavorful(Especially in a classic fantasy sense) and allows the card to be more playable.
Both should have flying. Oops.
DeleteMother Dragon - 3RRR
ReplyDeleteCreature - Dragon
Whenever a non-Dragon you control dies, put a 5/5 red Dragon token with flying otb.
Whenever a Dragon you control dies, ~ deals 5 damage to target creature.
You can add "or player" but the cost should rise. It can scale to 7 for a 7/7 that deals 7.
Is Mother Dragon laying eggs in the corpses of the humanoids? What's happening here?
DeleteThe name doesn't really fit. Most of my posting is done from my iPhone - which leads to some real awkward editing.
DeleteI really just liked the parallelism between the first and second abilities. It can be concepted as corpses feeding the brood, or as something else entirely - A "How to Train Your Dragon" brood protecting a town.
It probably works better as a Dragonmaster Outcast-esque creature, to be honest.
Hmm, how about a Pandemonium dragon?
DeletePrometheus Hellkite 4RR
5/5 Dragon
Whenever a Dragon you control dies, it deals its power in damage to target c/p.
Swapped ETB for LTB at the last moment because I like that part of your suggestion more than paralleling Pandemonium perfectly.
My only issue with it (as the design is simple and cool) is that it's not Mythic. It feels like an intro pack rare. At 3RR and with firebreathing it feels more mythic... But that's the strictly better than Shivan problem.
DeleteWould adding fire breathing make it too good? It creates a subgame of when it's safe to kill the dragon.
Maybe the solution is to make him a lord? Rather that buff his own power he can buff your other Dragons. Only issue is that feels too similar to Moonveil Dragon.
Firebreathing actually makes a lot of sense.
DeletePrometheus Hellkite 2RRR
4/4 Dragon
R: ~ gets +1/+0 until EOT.
Whenever a Dragon you control dies, it deals its power in damage to target c/p.
I like it quite a bit at those stats. Aggressively costed to the point RDW would consider playing onesir two as a finisher. If it dies its a blaze for 4, if it lives it could end the game.
DeleteI like it.