Tuesday, August 18, 2015

CCDD 081815—Sphere of Seeing

Cool Card Design of the Day
8/18/2015 - Busy now. WAC Review will have to wait a day or so. In the meantime, here's a simple design I like.


  1. And the award for Tommiest card of the set goes to...

  2. Lovely design. I'm still trying to decide what the usage split between the two modes is. I don't think it's 50/50, but I also don't think one mode vastly outweighs the other. That's nice.

  3. Would this be totally broken if it was Manalith?

    1. It would be really really good. It'd probably be broken. Its already a format defining card as listed.

    2. It definitely wouldn't be an Uncommon. Do you think Jay's version sees play in standard? Do you think it sees play in cube?

    3. It see's play in both, as long as there are things at the top of the curve worth casting. This is simultaneously ramp and sift, so it helps you cast and find your 5+ drops.

    4. (Late to the party here, but) I'd play the Coalition Relic / Chromatic Lantern version of this in many EDH decks. The colourless version I'd probably only play in Narset, Melek, Mayael, Intet, Jalira, Maelstrom Wanderer etc.
