Wednesday, September 30, 2020
CCDD 093020 - Nepenthe
Sunday, September 27, 2020
The Great Redesigner Search: Mechanic
Welcome back to the Great Redesigner Search, a series where I redo all of my GDS3 entries. This week is a little bit different from the others, because I'm making all new cards as opposed to revising old ones. As always, you can read my original entries and judge commentary here.
Friday, September 25, 2020
Weekend Design Challenge 092520 - Randomizer
Thursday, September 24, 2020
CCDD 092420 - Phyrexian Control Center
Friday, September 18, 2020
Weekend Design Challenge 091820 - Strixhaven MDFCs
CCDD 091820 - Over My Dead Body
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
CCDD 091620 - Ajani, True Companion
Monday, September 14, 2020
The Three Immutable Laws of Magic Design
One of Magic's defining features is its mutability. Every format and every set brings with it new opportunities for players to redefine the game. Mark Rosewater calls this process of constant renewal and discovery "Crispy Hashbrown Theory" and posits that it's one of Magic's core strengths. While I generally agree with this, I have two objections. The first is that hashbrowns aren't the best example of a breakfast food you get sick of partway through and that it should be called "Pancake Theory" instead. The second is that while constant change is the lifeblood of the game, Magic has a set of qualities that should never be changed, no matter how weird or experimental you're getting. These are the three immutable laws of Magic design.
Friday, September 11, 2020
Weekend Design Challenge 091120 - Kaldheim MDFCs
Hey Artisans! Click through to see this weekend's design challenge. Your mission is to design a custom magic card that follows the guidelines. Over the course of the weekend, give feedback to your fellow designers on their designs and incorporate their feedback to iterate on your own. I'll try to offer some feedback of my own starting on Monday.